Other words for understand
Other words for understand

Now write out everything you know about the subject as if you were teaching it to a child or a rubber duck sitting on your desk. At the top, write the subject you want to master.

other words for understand

Go back to the source material to better understand it. Pretend to teach a concept you want to learn about to a student in the sixth grade.We have adapted it slightly after reflecting on our own experiences using this process to learn. There are four steps to the Feynman Learning Technique, based on the method Richard Feynman originally used. It takes a touch of genius-and a lot of courage-to move in the opposite direction.” “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. To avoid the pain of being bewildered by the unexpected, the Feynman Technique helps you turn information into knowledge that you can access as easily as reaching for a chair. Consequently, life kicks us in the ass time and again. As we continue through life, we don’t extrapolate from our experiences to broaden the applicability of our knowledge. We memorize what we need to as we move through school, then forget most of it. But most of us don’t bother to deliberately learn anything. Ultimately, the point of learning is to understand the world. The more you know, the fewer surprises you will encounter because most new things will connect to something you already understand. When you really learn something, you give yourself a tool to use for the rest of your life. The Feynman Technique gets more mileage from the ideas you encounter instead of rendering anything new into isolated, useless factoids. Information is learned when you can explain it and use it in a wide variety of situations. Learning doesn’t happen from skimming through a book or remembering enough to pass a test. Devised by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman, it leverages the power of teaching for better learning.

other words for understand

The Feynman Technique is the best way to supercharge your learning.

Other words for understand